Chuck Talbert


Instagram: @talbertsmaplefarm


Tel: (802) 563 - 2127

According to local census records, The Talbert Farm has been producing our delicious maple syrup since the Civil War.We officially got our start as a family enterprise back in 1930, when Charlie Shaw, the first generation family patriarch, left the port of New Bedford, Massachusetts and bought our hillside farm, which lies on the flanks of the upper Winooski River valley, in Cabot, Vermont.

For the most part, dairying has been the primary focus of the farm, with maple syrup production being just a sideline to bring in a little extra income during the slow times of the year. That has all changed. The cows are now gone, although we do miss them, (Just the cows, not all the work involved) and our main focus on the farm is now producing our rich, golden maple syrup that we have become known for throughout the country.

Nowadays, if you stop by the farm, you'll probably find one of the 3rd, 4th, or 5th generation Talbert's either packaging syrup for delivery to our wholesale customers, or engaged in one of the many chores involved with the upkeep of 175 acres of organic hayfields and forestland. If you get a chance, we invite you to call for directions, drive up the hill, and take a look around!